Meghaquantum is a Tech Solutions and Consulting company which enables organisations to undergo Digital Transformation by providing end to end cloud based services from Basic Cloud To ERP on Cloud to AI/IOT on cloud. We understand and acknowledge the fast changing digital landscape and the power and influence that modern technologies like AI/IOT/Machine will have in the coming times.
At Meghaquatum we are aware and conscious of the fact that cloud as a solution has to come with an integrated approach and its real purpose can not be served if it is delivered in silos. For this our consulting is solution oriented rather than product specific. We believe and respect that fact that each organization has specific and unique way of creating and managing information/data and sometimes they may need tailor made customized approach. Although it may take a little more effort but the delivery can produce transformational results. is a Tech Solutions and Consulting company which enables organisations to undergo Digital Transformation by providing end to end cloud based services from Basic Cloud To ERP on Cloud to AI/IOT on cloud.
We understand and acknowledge the fast changing digital landscape and the power and influence that modern technologies like AI/IOT/Machine learning will have in the coming times.
Our technical teams bring their expertise to the clients and work with them to transform the role of IT and empower their businesses
Our team and major IT vendors ensure smooth deployment of IT, IoT, AI and analytics solutions across multi-user networks.
Team stays abreast of the latest trends and uses the best technology tools to address IT requirements of customers & exceed their expectations.
We have offices in Delhi,Noida,Chennai,Mumbai and Bangalore
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